Beyond the feedback fiasco: Performance reviews done right

Shouldn’t performance management be more about being given a chance to grow… you know, as a human being?

Jemini performance management ditches the outdated and introduces a new era of genuine clarity, engagement,
and data-driven insights. Imagine real-time goal setting, continuous feedback loops, and powerful analytics — all
wrapped up in a user-friendly platform.

(Actually) engaged employees

Ditch the snooze-fest evaluations and ignite a culture of continuous feedback and development. Watch your team go from "meh" to "motivated".

Alignment that makes sense (finally!)

Effortlessly align individual performance with your organisation's mission. Create a unified path to achieving your goals, minus the corporate jargon maze.

Transparency you can really see

No more smoke and mirrors! Ensure crystal clear communication in performance reviews and goal setting. Build trust that fuels success, not anxiety

Empowerment that isn't just lip service

Truly support employee growth with personalised development plans and targeted training. Unleash their full potential and watch them become superstars (not just another mindless cog in the machine).

Efficiency that's like a productivity party

Be gone paperwork! Jemini streamlines performance processes, freeing up your team's time to focus on what truly matters — helping your team live their success.

Performance management features that empowers your employees to take charge of their development

Make it work for you: The Customisation Champ

  • Customisable framework: Craft a performance management process that
    perfectly fits your organisation's unique culture and goals. No more one-size-fits-all.
  • Scalability made simple: Effortlessly adapt Jemini as your company grows, ensuring a seamless performance management experience for everyone, all the time.
  • User-based access control: Assign user access levels and permissions for ultimate data security and privacy. Peace of mind from your fingertips!

Goal setting on (almost) autopilot: Take aim at success

  • SMART goal creation: Craft goals that are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. Set your team up for success from the start.
  • Collaborative goal power: Engage employees in the goal-setting process,
    fostering a sense of ownership and commitment. It’s all about genuine buy-in.
  • Align like a laser beam: Ensure individual goals are perfectly aligned with team and organisational objectives. One team, one dream (sorry, we couldn’t help it).

Annual forms that haven’t seen the light of day in 16 months?

Take control with Jemini

Real-time insights: Knowledge is power

  • Performance in the spotlight: Check in on employee progress with up-to-date data, that’s always a click away. No more searching for buried reports!
  • Feedback flow like a river: Have continuous conversations between
    managers and employees. Address issues quickly, celebrate wins — keep the momentum going!
  • Analytics that actually make sense: Uncover hidden trends and gain valuable insights with truly intuitive performance analytics. And yes — you can have your shiny dashboard too!

Measure often, celebrate often: Quantify your wins

  • Comprehensive evaluations: Conduct thorough performance reviews using a
    blend of qualitative and quantitative data. Get the whole picture!
  • Track like a pro: Monitor key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure progress towards goals and desired outcomes. See the actual impact in real-time.
  • Integrate strategically: Align individual and team performance with broader
    organisational strategies and objectives. After all, every win contributes to the bigger picture.

Employee development plans that actually work

  • Personalised development blueprints
    Create tailored development plans based on individual performance and career aspirations. We want you to help your team reach their full potential.
  • Training and development matchmaker
    Recommend relevant training and development programs to address skill gaps and enhance employee competencies. It's upskilling made easy.
  • Career development compass
    Support long-term career development with clear milestones and a roadmap for success. Invest in your people, people!
Creative team of five working on a project.

“We want to show our staff that we listen to them and that we act on what they tell us. But above all, I look forward to our people getting excited about using Jemini and actually doing their appraisals without any problems.”

Melissa Williams, Payroll & Administration, Business Support, Toyota New Zealand

Read Toyota story

Performance management insights

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Do more with Jemini

  1. Jemini
  2. Human Resources
  3. Talent & Performance Management