Say goodbye to the chaos of timesheets and rostering and hello to simplified, automated Planning & Attendance.

It’s time to retire your calculator, clear your desk of pesky paperwork and ctrl-alt-delete those roster spreadsheets from your brain! Gone are the days of inefficient time and attendance responsibilities.

Whether you’ve embraced the concept of a deskless workforce or you’re managing rosters and conflicting team schedules, your days are likely filled with mundane planning. Add to that the frustration of using inflexible spreadsheets and legacy systems to create modern schedules or recurring rosters ­and you’re not getting ahead! It’s probably fair to say that there’s no relief in sight from the effort of keeping tabs on your employees, and the nagging needed to get them to actually fill out their timesheets. Not anymore!

It’s time you get acquainted with Planning & Attendance – one system that works in real time enabling forward-thinking businesses to embrace the modern workforce alongside their employees.

Make your planning pain-free

No matter if you work with a roster, changing shift patterns, or need in-depth project tracking, the planning that goes into achieving the winning trifecta of right staff-right place-right time is a challenge to say the least. Because Planning & Attendance is built with busy managers in mind, it simplifies the process with AI-driven templates, so you can get back to focusing on the work that matters most.

Put the flexi in flexible working

For employees, timesheets can seem like a drag. Planning & Attendance embraces flexible work culture, allowing staff to complete their timesheets whenever and wherever. We’ve even harnessed the power of smart AI to prompt & encourage employees to fill out their timesheets making your data more reliable than ever – that’s a win for you and a win for them!

Transform tedious processes into just a few clicks

Manual processes and endless paperwork are tedious, not to mention boring! Take control of your days again with one harmonious system for rostering and timesheets. The only question is, what will you do with that paperweight?

Ditch payday discrepancies

A payroll query is always frustrating – for both you and your employee. Not to mention the time it takes to track down the data error and amend the payment. With one cloud-based system, your data is always up to date, making payday a breeze for everyone.

Ready to make your planning pain-free?

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Time tracking that works on your clock

Match your modern workforce with modern timesheet tracking, all on one streamlined, cloud-based system. Planning & Attendance not only makes tracking your employees’ time a breeze, it also automatically calculates contract and award allowances, overtime and commission so you can ditch that calculator and get back to loving payday like the rest of us.

As a manager, you’ll also have real-time visibility of how your staff are performing so you can make actionable insights with ease, and provide support for those who need it most.

Real-time data at your fingertips

There’s nothing worse than lagging or outdated data when you need it most. With a cloud-based system, your data is available in real time with less flicking back & forth between tools (which is easier on your brainpower too!). Need timesheet or payroll stats? You’ll have them in your hands faster than you can say ‘Jemini!’.

If you thought it couldn’t get any better, think again. If you’re not ready to go all-in, we can integrate Planning & Attendance with your current payroll system so you can still harness all the benefits in just a matter of clicks.

Intuitive and Empowering Planning & Attendance with Cutting-Edge Data Analytics

Our cloud-based platform puts your employees at the heart of our design, making it easy for them to access real-time data, rosters, awards, and allowances from anywhere. With our cutting-edge data analytics, you'll be empowered to make informed decisions that drive productivity and engagement.

Jemini’s intuitive planning & attendance system is designed to be easy to use at every step of the way. We've removed the barriers that can make onboarding a nightmare, and replaced them with a streamlined process that saves time and improves accuracy. And with our powerful data analytics, you'll be able to track employee performance, identify skill gaps, and plan for future growth.

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  1. Jemini
  2. Human Resources
  3. Planning & Attendance