In a working world that has shifted dramatically in a short space of time it’s easy to feel hopeless about actually understanding the real levers of retention in 2022. In a world where ‘bigger is better’ and ‘more means more,’ our expectations of life inside and outside of the workplace have increased dramatically. The pandemic made us question fundamental things about our lives, especially around job satisfaction, flexibility and sense of purpose. The latest world events literally unfolding in front of our eyes are making us (and our employees) question even more about what’s important and what’s not in life’s value equation. In the workplace, employee attrition is an everyday fact of life. But some employers manage to achieve such a low level of people churn, don’t they? So how do they do it? — and does it only apply to companies with a very special kind of culture? We explore six go-to strategies that any HR professional can implement to stop precious talent from leaking away.
Before we dig into solutions, it’s important to take a step back and think about the reasons why people actually leave in the first place. This isn’t rocket science — any manager worth their salt would be able to put together a list like this very fast: